Web-Seminar: Monitoring PFAS and other organically bound halogens in water and wastewater 22 März 2023 - 10:00 Uhr | 16:00 Uhr
Web-Seminar: Monitoring PFAS and other organically bound halogens in water and wastewater How to determine AOX and AOF by Combustion Elemental Analysis and Combustion Ion Chromatography
As the presence of organically bound halogens (AOX) and organically bound fluorine (AOF) in the environment is coming under scrutiny in many countries, there is a need for rapid screening of these parameters in environmental samples.
In a joint webinar by Analytik Jena and Metrohm, Christian Koch (Analytik Jena) and Theresa Steurer (Metrohm) present Combustion Elemental Analysis and Combustion Ion Chromatography (CIC) as a viable solution to determine the sum parameters AOX and AOF.
In contrast to other techniques CIC can determine the individual sum parameters of the individual halogens, e.g., AOF, which is a screening parameter for per-and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). Thus, CIC can provide a fast and accurate picture of the overall contamination levels before performing targeted analysis to identify individual PFAS.
As sample preparation is a crucial step in both techniques, this webinar puts a special focus on procedures making sure that only the organic halogen compounds are measured and any interfering compounds are removed prior to analysis (see ISO 9562; EPA 1650C, and notably recently published DIN 38409-59).
This webinar is intended for lab managers and analytical chemists looking for solutions to the challenges posed by AOX and PFAS monitoring in wastewater, surface water, and other water matrices.
Inhalte und Ziele des Web-Seminars
Dauer: ~60 min
Sprache: Englisch
Participants in this webinar will learn about:
- the regulatory background
- the challenges of sample preparation
- combustion / pyrohydrolysis as an automated sample preparation technique
- the analytical procedures for analysis of AOX by Combustion Elemental Analysis
- the analytical procedures for analysis of AOF by Combustion Ion Chromatography
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