The Quantification of Elements in Body Fluids using AAS or ICP-MS
Inhalte des Web-Seminars
Dauer: ~40 min
Sprache: Englisch
Holger Sievers, Product Manager, Analytik Jena
Franz Lehmann, Application Specialist, Analytik Jena
The analysis of elements such as aluminum, lead, cadmium, chromium, iron, copper, selenium, and zinc in body fluids is critical to understand the metabolism, toxicology, and health status of an individual. Elements perform both essential and harmful functions in the body. Accurate determination of these analytes provides valuable information for diagnosing deficiencies, toxicity or monitoring therapeutic interventions.
Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) is an important part of elemental analysis due to its robustness, precision, and flexibility. Graphite furnace AAS (GF-AAS) is a powerful technique that can reliably determine even the lowest element concentrations with minimal sample requirements. In addition, the elements copper and zinc can also be determined in serum or plasma samples by flame AAS in a very cost effective and high throughput manner.
ICP-MS is an alternative to AAS for the determination of metals in body fluids when high sample throughput is expected, and multiple analytes are to be quantified in the samples. Plasma-based technology is a very interesting option for contract laboratories and intensive users.
In this web seminar we will introduce you to the measurement of medically relevant elements using GF-AAS, F-AAS and ICP-MS. We will discuss the necessary sample preparation, instrument settings and method parameters as well as the performance of the techniques. We will also give an outlook on clinPAL, our automated sample preperation system for clinical samples for ICP-MS.
Who should attend:
- Clinicals
- Medical care centers
- Contract / government labs (medical division)
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