Digging for the Truth - Compliant Analysis of Soil Quality
Inhalte des Web-Seminars
Dauer: ~60 min
Sprache: Englisch
Holger Sievers, Product Manager, Analytik Jena
Stefan Jezierski, Industry Manager, Analytik Jena
Bernd Bletzinger, Product Manager, Analytik Jena
Join us for our upcoming online seminar where we dig deep into interesting topics on analyzing elements and sum parameters in natural and agricultural soils. Groundbreaking with heavy metal analysis with AAS, for traces analysis in flame and graphite furnace mode. We will expand our excavation into the layers of sum parameters like TOC, total carbon (TC) and total inorganic carbon (TIC), where we tackle the question for carbon sequestration capabilities by proper carbonate determination. We also deepen our understanding about the value of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soil leachates as well as the determination of microbial biomass by TOC/TNb (Total bound Nitrogen) analysis in farmland soil extracts. Throughout this session, we will provide an overview of the topics, explore European and global regulations, dive into the methodology including analytical approach and workflow, present data with case studies on the different analytes and speciation, and conclude with a summary of findings along with future directions. We are thrilled to share valuable insights with you. So, pick up your spade and follow us!
Key learning objectives:
- Heavy metal analysis in soils with AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, ISO 11047, ISO 15586)
- TOC (Total Organic Carbon) by dry combustion (EN 15936)
- TOC/DOC, TNb analysis according to DIN EN ISO 20236 and SM 5310 B
Who should attend:
- Regulators and chemists of state surveillance laboratories
- Chemists and personnell of contract laboratories
- Scientists of environmental and agricultural research laboratories
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