E-book: Sample Preparation for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Manual library construction | Partial automation of library preparation

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Over the last decade, next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies revolutionized various fields of biology and medicine including genomics, personalized medicine, and evolutionary biology. NGS not only allows for the comprehensive study of entire genomes (DNA) or transcriptomes (RNA) but also the high-throughput identification of sequence variations, as well as single cell analysis, providing novel insights into genome structure, function, and variability. 

This e-book shows how important NGS sample preparation is for high-quality sequencing results and how it can be simplified and optimized. 

Whether you are working in academic or pharmaceutical research dealing with target biology or biomarker identification and validation this compact guide will provide insights how to achieve optimal sample preparation and thus optimal results in next-generation sequencing applications. 

Inside the e-book, you will find application notes on:

  • DNA Amplicon Library Preparation for Illumina® Sequencing
  • HLA typing using Long-Range PCR and Next-Generation Sequencing 
  • Automated Purification of Viral DNA and RNA from Biological Samples using Zymo Research Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead 
  • Semi-Automated High-Throughput Workflow for the Preparation of NGS Libraries in Ancient Genomics
  • Automated Size Selection of NGS Libraries for HLA Diagnostics

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