Chemical Recycling

Analytische Lösungen für wichtige Qualitätsprüfpunkte

Chemical Recycling Web-Seminare Analytische Lösungen für wichtige Qualitätsprüfpunkte

Chemisches Recycling ermöglicht eine nachhaltige Kreislaufwirtschaft für Kunststoffe. Doch nach wie vor gibt es Hürden, wie die schwankende Beschaffenheit des Kunststoff-Rohmaterials und des daraus gewonnenen Pyrolyseöls. Analytische Techniken wie ICP-OES und Elementaranalyse helfen, da sie zuverlässige Daten an wichtigen Prozesspunkten liefern. Erfahren Sie mehr in unserer Web-Seminarreihe und lernen Sie von Branchenexperten.

Web-Seminar Aufzeichnung

Is Your Pyrolysis Oil Ready for the Steam Cracker?

Join Jean-Francois Borny from Lummus Technology, an expert in analyzing pyoil and vice-chair of the ASTM Recycled Products committee D02.P0. In this web seminar he gives an overview of all relevant analytical tests for pyoil and lists the corresponding ASTM standards.


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Challenges and Solutions for Metal Analysis

Before pyrolysis oil can be introduced into a steam cracker for further processing, it must meet specified limits for metals. Watch this web seminar to learn how to achieve lowest detection limits for metals (e.g., Si, Na, Fe, Pb, Ca, Hg) in pyrolysis oil using ICP-OES.


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TOC/TNb and AOX in Wastewater and Brine

Wastewater is a byproduct of chemical recycling, which must be treated before being discharged into rivers. Brine is another byproduct of desalination processes and must be further cleaned and analytically characterized before it can be used in other industries and products.



Solutions for the Analysis of Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Halogens

Discover combustion techniques for heteroatom analysis (including individual and total halogens) in pyoil from ppb to % levels. This seminar shows how to simplify sample preparation and assure optimal combustion of pyoil – no operator expertise needed.


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Quantification of Chlorine in the Plastic Feedstock

Learn how to measure Cl in up to 300 mg of shredded plastic. This webinar highlights an analytical technique that's being used by major waste recycling companies as sample preparation is easy and a wide measurement range (ppm to 10%) is covered.


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How Analytical Solutions Enable an Effective Circular Economy

Möchten Sie mehr über chemisches Recycling und kritische Qualitätsprüfpunkte erfahren? In unserem Blogbeitrag erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie diese Technik eine Kreislaufwirtschaft ermöglicht:

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